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Mountain bike : discovery of Taiwan off road and wilderness

石鹿古道, Syakaro mountains

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Hsinchu is a city of lucky devils: it is so close to a huge mountain area crisscrossed with mountain roads, logging roads and walking paths. Here is off-road paradise !

So I decided to have a look at the place for good, and this morning I headed to Wufong 五峯 [Wufeng] for a mountain bike ride. But the road was closed here, I had no option but following a road diversion further up. Gosh, this happened to be a mad drive on killer roads, which brought me to Cingcyuan 清泉 [Qingquan] far beyond my destination and mentally exhausted... This is clear that I won't return there before the road will be fixed !

Well, it was already late and hot so I made up my mind for a short and steep climb just above Cingcyuan and joining the Syakaro historic trail 霞喀羅古道 [Xiakeluo], former Stone Deer Trail (石鹿古道). The road is easy to find since abundant signs lead to the trail entrance.

The steep start propels you quickly to scenic view points. All around, tiny villages and their small fields are clinging to the slopes and seem to challenge the laws of gravity. Mountains dump their cohorts of trees, rocks and rivers in all directions, creating an atmosphere of first day on earth.

cTrail in the cedar forest

The paved road ends at the historic place of Syakaro Police Station (Wurau, 石鹿 on the maps), and turns into a large 4WD road, not steep at all. It crosses bamboo and pine tree forests, and the fragrance of conifers and the spirit of the forest are great rewards after so many efforts spent on asphalt,

The Syakaro trail is flat and easy until the old Tamuradai Police Station (田?台), crossing a picturesque cedar forest. The following section is paved with tree roots, stones and some wooden steps, what requires extra energy ! Then the slope increases further and there are about 10 minutes of pushing the bike along stairs and 5 minutes of carrying up to a beautiful and singular crest.

Odd trees near the crest

After a saddle, the trail resumes to the excellent conditions of the beginning and follows a flat line along steep slopes with breathtaking views on the forest and surrounding peaks. Wooden bridges, occasional stairs, everything is very well maintained. The destination for today is the highest point of the trail, which is a second saddle dropping from 霞喀羅大山 (Mount Syakaro). After a short break, it was eminently enjoyable to ride all the way down, especially the rooty rocky section. Then, the track is very fast and the vibration level very high... Eventually, the asphalt road jumps out of the forest and flies over the buttresses of Snow Mountain.

Additional information:

Date: September 9th, 2009
Temperature: 26 Celsius
Participants: Alexis
Access: Road 122 (南清公路) is strongly diverted now. Cf. above.

Condition of the paved road: Excellent surface on the first 6km, then partially damaged.
Drinkable water on the way: Natural rivers.
Permit: ?



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Hello!  Just returned from my second trip on Stonedeer, Nenggao, and Puli ... I live up in Taipei, so if you ever ride up here we can show you some of the trails.  I have some words also ... http://heresjonny.com/tag/mountain-biking/Great info on your blog! 